
Computers are facinating tools. In the past 70 years they evolved from enormous devices with small capabilities to microscopic devices of enormous power. Today, they contribute a large portion of the infrastructure fabric which modern life is depending upon.

We should know how they work and what side-effects exist. And we should also care about the political and social implications.

To explain the how from a technical point of view we can highlight three topics: Gates, Code and Data.

Current Activities

At ZKMopen in new window I'm part of the Thingsboard development team within the intelligent museum projectopen in new window. The goal is to provide a flexible framework to collect, process and visualize data from different - technical as well as artistic - sources.

At KITopen in new window I do OpenData seminarsopen in new window with a focus on data available at the Transparenzportal Karlsruheopen in new window.

At OK Lab Karlsruheopen in new window I'm involved in a number of projects, like Wateringopen in new window, Klimawatchopen in new window and Lerninselnopen in new window.